Off we go!

After graduating from my Aerodynamics master it was time to head into the wide and unexplored world again. This time Antarctica and South America are on the list.
Unfortunately my backpacking skills have become quite rusty after not having traveled since Central Asia. However, with my luck I found an awesome travel buddy that will join me in this awesome trip and his name is Pongo.

Little Pongo about to see the world.

Together Pongo and I will head to Ushuaia (Argentina) and hope to catch a boat to Antarctica within a couple of days. Pongo can’t wait to meet his long lost family!

Ushuaia, the southern most town of Argentina.

2 Replies to “Off we go!”

  1. Goede reis, Timo, en hopelijk brengt Pongo geluk 🙂
    Naar welk kamp ga je in Antarctica?

    1. Bedankt Teppo!
      Pongo brengt zeker geluk, heb door hem een hele mooie Antarctica reis kunnen maken. Wat het kamp in Antarctica betreft ben ik slechts in het Palmer station geweest, maar over dat gedeelte van mijn reis hoor je binnenkort meer.

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