Antarctica – South Shetlands (2)

Time passes by so quick. I feel like the Drake was just a day ago, but somehow this is already the last day before crossing the Drake again. Yesterday already we started moving north again and now we’ve arrived back at the South Shetlands.

We started today with Deception Island, a massive remnant of a vulcano. In fact, in order to get to our landing site (Telephone Bay), we have to enter through Neptunes’s Bellows. Because the area is still active the island is practically snow free and has an entirely different vibe than the other landings. Oddly enough though, I really missed the penguins there. I thought I’d be sick of them by now, but somehow this is not the case. The island is beautiful, but lacking the life the other landings had made it a bit boring. Still, this island used to be of large significance as several whaling factories were sheltered from the elements by the caldera.

Me and Pongo on the top of Deception Island’s many hills.

After Deception Island we went to Livinston Island, our last landing. Due to the abundant wildlife this landing was guided as we walked through the penguin and giant petrel colonies. It was a good conclusion to the trip as there also were moulting elephant seals lying on the beach. Oddly enough you could smell them through the penguin poop stench which is quite an achievement. Unfortunately though, this truly was the last landing, which meant saying goodby to the peninsula and hello to Drake. Luckily I didn’t get as sick as last time and I only puked once! This might not have solely been because of Drake though. We had a dessert party and decided to try them all, which might not have been the smartest move.

Elephant seal.

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