My way up north.

Having separated from Viki and Anastasia I was on my own again and enjoyed the quiet for some days as I went to San Martin de los Andes. It was a small town, but it had a really nice vibe, much better than the lauded El Bolsón. It too had the Austrian feel to it and the nearby lake was beautiful. I did some short hikes there, but mostly spent time working on my blog and resting a bit, my time with the girls was tough!

A view of San Martin’s lake.

After San Martin I intended to head to Pucon, a Chilean town known for its outdoor activities, but somehow I was steered another way as a girl mentioned cheap flights to Easter island! I looked it up and somehow the tickets were incredibly cheap compared to other times ~€250 rather than the >€600-€1200. So I directly booked it and headed to and Santiago instead to save some money by skipping the activities in Pucon. Additionally, since Liza, the girl we walked the Dientes de Navarino with, I could stay at her place a bit. Initially she was home alone and we went for a short hike in the Cajón de Maipo, a valley close to Santiago. We drove to the trailhead and camped there a night before hiking up to see a glacier. It was a short but beautiful hike and it was great to see Liza again. She was a great host and the next couple of days I strolled around Santiago a bit. I met up with a Dutch girl, Claire, for a day and ended up cooking for the family too. 

One night though I stayed at a hostel instead as I planned to go to a salsa party in Santiago. I picked the hostel to be close to the venue, Maestra Vida, and ended up having a great night. I danced a lot of salsa and met some nice people there too, though I will go more into depth in another blog entry. 

The next days after the party I just chilled a bit at Liza’s place and prepared myself for a 9-day trip to Isla de Pascua, better known as Easter Island!!!

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